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Sunday 17 November 2013

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Love You Mr Arrogant....

Wah2x...kontrovesi je tajuk!

Ok, tajuk ni tak ada kena mengena dgn cerita drama kat TV tu yer...

Actually saya pun xpernah ikuti drama bersiri tu, adalah sekali dua trtgk.. tu pun sekejap je. So saya tak tahu pun kisah sebenar cerita tersebut yg sgt heboh diperkatakan dan menjadi pujaan ramai.

Lebih baik saya tgk Mr Arrogant saya yang tak berapa nak arrogant. hehehe....

So apa kaitan tajuk ni dgn entry blog saya??

Ok, sebenarnya few days back, saya ada terkecilkan hati Mr Arrogant saya....

Saya sgt sedih ok?

Dahler suami stress dgn kerja, penat meeting sana, meeting sini...hai, saya pulak pi cakap perkara yang mengecilkan hatinya....

Owh tidak!!

Fikir punyer fikir, selepas rasa xbest walaupun dah minta maaf banyak kali...saya rasa, saya kena minta maaf in a "proper way".

Jadi tanpa berlengah masa, ku buka website Malaysia Airlines...tgk tarikh yang sesuai...and finally...


Bintulu aku datang!!!

Flight ticket booked! Tapi saya n baby je. hehe.... :P
Alhamdulilah bonus Shaklee pun dah masuk...(dan syukur sbb dh jd WAHM, jadi anytime boleh fly bila rasa nk, tak perlu nk minta cuti dr boss ke apa).
Yes, portion telah diagihkan:
>> Zakat, infaq, sedeqah - DONE
>> Bagi ibu - DONE
>> Bayar hutang kereta, sewa rumah, hutang credit card - DONE
>> Savings - DONE
>> Reward diri?? - NOT YET
Jadi dah alang2 nak jumpa mr hubby, kenalah reward diri ni kan? So apa lagi... kaki ini mula melangkah ke butik yg menjadi idaman ku suatu masa dahulu (dulu2 tak berani nak pergi sbb grrrrrr...mahal)
Cer teka Butik apa???
Alhamdulillah Berjaya juga beli baju yang baru (saya dh lama tak beli baju baru ok? asyik pakai baju yg sama jer setiap kali hubby balik. kikiki)
Jadi tak salah rasanya beli baju baru utk pakai depan hubby. Dan of coz WAJIB yang menutup aurat SEPENUHNYA...
Cer tgk lawa tak baju ni??
>> ups, tak boleh nk tunjuk di sini. RAHSIA. hihi....
In shaa Allah baju baru ni bakal dipakai masa pergi jumpa mr arrogant ku....
Ok, sekadar cerita santai dgn semua. Rasa2nya semua ada perselisihan faham dgn pasangan masing2 kan?
Sentiasalah berkomunikasi dgn pasangan kita sebaik mungkin...
Suami saya banyak sgt support saya dalam bisness Shaklee terutama dr segi motivasi, emosi dan teknikal (buat poster, idea etc). Jadi tidak salah saya berterima kasih kpd nya dgn surprise yg tak seberapa ini... moga2 hati beliau happy semula.
BTW, Saya tertarik dgn kata2 dr blog Dr Harlina tentang perkahwinan....
Marriage is a school where you get the certificate before you start. 
A school where you will never graduate. 
A school without a break or a free period. 
A school where no one is allowed to drop out. 
A school which you will have to attend every day of your life. 
A school where there is no sick leave or holidays. 
A school founded by the Almighty:
1. On the foundation of love, 
2. The walls made of trust,
3. The door made of acceptance, 
4. The windows made of understanding. 
5. The furniture made of blessings. 
6. The roof made of faith. 
Before you forget, you are just a student not the principal. The Almighty is the principal.
Even at times of a storm, don’t be unwise and run outside.
Remember this school is the safest place to be. 
Never go to sleep before completing your assignments for the day. 
Never forget the C-word, communicate, communicate, communicate with your classmate and with the Principal.
If you find something in your classmate (spouse) that you do not appreciate, remember your classmate is also just a student not a graduate. The Almighty is not finished with him/her yet, so take it as a challenge and work on it together. 
Do not forget to study, study, study the Noble Book (the main textbook in this school). 
Start each day with a sacred assembly and end it the same way.
Sometimes you will feel like not attending class, yet you have to.
When tempted to quit find the courage and continue. 
Some tests and exams may be tough but remember the Principal knows how much you can bear. 
Still, it is one of the best schools on earth; joy, peace and happiness accompany each lesson of the day. 
Different subjects are offered in this school, yet love is the major subject. 
After all the years of being theoretical about it, now you have a chance to practice it. 
To be loved is a good thing, but to love is the greatest privilege of them all. 
Marriage is a place of love, so love your spouse but remember: “This class doesn’t involve a person who is not permitted into it”! If you invite your mother or father or your friends to this class,   or anyone who is not allowed to be there, you will fail the exam. 
It is you who should attend and it is you who will pass. 
Its your choice today:” build it or break it”.
Bestkan? I couldn't agree more.....
Semoga Allah merahmati rumahtangga kita, abang.....
I love you, my Mr Arrogant!


Pn Ainul Shahrazad
Shaklee Independent Distributor (ID No: 867597)

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