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Saturday, 1 July 2017

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List of My Visas

Hey, I'm writing again!

Once it starts, it will never stop. kikikiki

This Wednesday, I'm going to fly overseas again, and this time.. alone, all by myself.

Baby Maryam and d kids stay with Tok ibu & Tok Ayah with bibik n my sister.

I just belek my passport, and wow.. seeing all d Visas stamped on the passport makes me feel .. what d great Ainul, having all these "stuffs" on the passport

Yeah on my own passport! And it was like a dream tau! hahahaha

Anyway, What's the List?? .... check it out!

1) Visa United States of America

2) Visa Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

3) Visa China

... and plus others Visa on Arrival:

- Australia
- United Kingdom
- Japan

Btw, this passport is my 4th passport , hahahaha.

My previous 3 passports also got these Visa stamping.

Hurm, mcm hobby collection pula, duk kumpul Visa 😝

I love Travel like crazy !!

How about yours???


Ketahuilah, hidup sentiasa ada pilihan, maka berusahalah mencari pilihan yang terbaik utk kehidupan kita ~

Pn Ainul Shahrazad
Shaklee Independent Distributor (ID No: 867597)

sms/whatsapp: +6013-6971176

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Ainul Dzuha

Shaklee Independent Distributor

ID: 867597

Penghantaran ke seluruh Malaysia, Brunei & Singapore


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