Alhamdulillah, now she's my asset.
I wasn't buying her neither to follow trends, nor for showing off.
I was very clear why I chose her for the 1st time..
...... yess, as for my 1st car.
And now, I should thankful to her because of her existence, pushing me to work harder & think smartly.
Because of her, I was soooo stressful in making decision to resign & because of her also, I was struggling to think my back up plan, to support the monthly commitmen.
Once I became soooo determined, I pushed myself to d utmost limit, yeah.. very struggling in my Shaklee Business just to make sure I could resign and at the same time, I could pay her..
Everything happens for a great reason, rite??
Most of people always put blame of what they've burdened of, but less people think how to create opportunity from it..
So how about you guys??
Remember: For things to change, you have to make a move 1st !
~ Ketahuilah, hidup sentiasa ada pilihan, maka berusahalah mencari pilihan yang terbaik utk kehidupan kita ~

Pn Ainul Shahrazad
Shaklee Independent Distributor (ID No: 867597)
sms/whatsapp: +6013-6971176
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